This pane contains functions to enhance the visualization and edition of the data. Markers in the 3D pane can be displayed with different colors and sizes. The trajectory of markers can be displayed. The options of this pane permit to save the configuration of visualization of the markers in the 3D pane. This panel permits also to change the label of the markers, the properties of the analog channels and the label of model outputs, as well as other properties.
The file formats supported by Mokka to configure a model are the following:
- MVC: Mokka Visualization Configuration files.
- VSK/VST: Vicon Skeleton (Template) files.
Configuration menu
The button
returns a menu with the following actions for the visual configuration:
- New configuration: Create a new configuration or replace an existing one
- Load configuration: Open a configuration that will be added to the list
- Save configuration: Save the active configuration
- Remove configuration: Delete the active configuration from the list of known visual configuration
- Deselect configuration: Discard the active configuration. This configuration will be kept on the configuration list
- Clear configurations: Remove all the configurations from the list
Dialog box opened when clicking on New configuration
Ressources' list
Virtual markers
As for markers, the virtual markers' list
in the acquisition explorer contains the options to visualize
and track
markers in the 3D Viewer . By default, virtual markers are hidden.
To view or track permanently one or numerous virtual markers, the
box must be checked into the properties menu.
The analog channels
are 1D temporal signal acquired synchronously with the video data.
By using the properties panel you can check or modify the information related to the selected analog channels.
Warning: Modifying the analog offset, scale and gain could modify values when saving the acquisition and reading it again. Moreover, removing an analog channel can corrupt the acquisition. For example, if it used to register force platform data and you remove it, Mokka won't be able to compute these force platform data the next time.
The analog items are also used by the charts. Drag the selected analog channels into Analog chart to plot them.
There are also options in the contextual menu for the analog channels (right click onto the analog item):
- Select all analog channels: Select all analog channels in the acquisition explorer. It’s possible to modify the properties of analog channels all together
Properties associated with analog channels
Force platform reactions
The component of each force platform can be plotted in chart. Drag the selected component into Point chart to plot it.
Some of the components can be detailed as following:
- Force: also visible as force vector in the 3D view ;
- Position: also visible in the 3D view as force path (click on the checkbox to enable it) ;
- Direction angle: each component is defined as the angle between the force vector and the horizontal of the selected plane.
- Component X: projected in the yOz plane (as visible in the 3D right orthogonal view) ;
- Component Y: projected in the xOz plane (as visible in the 3D front orthogonal view) ;
- Component Z: projected in the yOz plane (as visible in the 3D top orthogonal view)
Model outputs
The model output
contains data computed (for example with the PluginGait Model). There are 5 sub-sections: Angles, Forces, Moments, Powers and Scalar. If the subsection is empty, it is not displayed.
These items are also used by the charts. Drag the selected output into Point chart to plot them.
There are also options in the contextual menu for the model outputs (right click onto the output item):
- Select all model outputs: Select all Model outputs in the acquisition explorer. It’s possible to modify the properties all together
- Select all angles: Select all angles from Model outputs in the acquisition explorer. It’s possible to modify the properties all together
- Select all forces: Select all forces from Model outputs in the acquisition explorer. It’s possible to modify the properties all together
- Select all moments: Select all moments from Model outputs in the acquisition explorer. It’s possible to modify the properties all together
- Select all powers: Select all powers from Model outputs in the acquisition explorer. It’s possible to modify the properties all together
- Select all scalars: Select all scalars from Model outputs in the acquisition explorer. It’s possible to modify the properties all together
Properties associated with model outputs