- 02/18/2013: Mokka 0.6 released
- Enhancements:
- New file format: XMOVE (Thanks to the company Codamotion)
- New file format: MDF (Thanks to the company Codamotion)
- New file format: Delsys EMG (Thanks to the company Delsys).
- New file format: CLB (Contec Inc.).
- New plot options to draw cyclic data into a chart.
- New update manager: you won't need to go on the net, close Mokka, download the new release, unzip it and copy it. Everything is automatic!
- New menu "Tools" to regroup all the editing actions (reframe, clear events, etc.).
- New tool to create an average marker from a selection of markers (real or virtual).
- New tool to detect heel strike and toe off events during gait.
- New tool "Filter Analog (Butterworth)"
- New tool to smooth analog signal using moving RMS windows and moving average window.
- New tool to rectify the content of analogs channels.
- New tool to remove analog offset.
- New category in the acquisition explorer to show "Virtual markers" (useful for Vicon C3D file).
- New static way to add markers in the category "Virtual markers".
- New function "Reset all Zooms" in the context menu of the charts views. Set all charts' axes to their original range.
- The list of filters (extensions) in the open/save dialog box box is now sorted.
- New preference to set the back color of the ground.
- New reload button as suggested on UserVoice.
- New shortcuts to insert events (Alt 1-9).
- Create an option in the import assistant for videos only.
- Move automatically the time cursor when you click on the time bar.
- Option to change the background color.
- Record the position (pose and zoom) of 3d windows.
- Display the angle between two vectors.
- Display the angle between three points.
- Display the distance between 2 markers.
- New assistant to create segment as a set of links and faces.
- Add an export assistant to save any data in an ASCII file.
- New exporter to create STL files from a selected segment.
- New function to export 3D view as series of images.
- New action (File > Open File Location) to open the folder which contains the current acquisition.
- Updates:
- Improvement of the C3D parser to be more flexible in the extraction of the parameters' data.
- The ground orientation for the TDF files is now automatically set (i.e Y axis vertical) as it seems to be the general behavior.
- The use of the Alt key in a chart view synchronize the mouse events (zoom, move) for all the charts inside!
- The menu to modify the playback speed is available even if no acquisition is loaded.
- The horizontal axis unit menu is also available in the contextual menu of each chart. Shortcuts were also added.
- The root for the model outputs and the force platform reactions in the acquisition explorer are now every time expanded if visible.
- The item's roots (Markers, Analogs, etc.) in the acquisition explorer are automatically expanded if only one is visible.
- If a plot has less than 40 points displayed, then a circle marker at each point is also displayed.
- The tests on files existence were moved from the loading of Mokka to potentially speedup the starting of the software.
- If the range of the Y axis in a chart is zero, then the range is increased by [-0.01:0.01].
- The maximum width of the acquisition explorer is increased under windows and linux. Under Mac this function is broken due to a bug.
- Fixes:
- Removing a visual configuration and creating a new one crashes Mokka.
- Analogs' unit is not saved in the C3D file format.
- Issue 13: The rubber band in the 3D view is not correctly redrawn.
- The implementation of the writer for the TRC file format exports every points and not only markers.
- The content of the logger is wrongly painted/styled when Mokka loses focus.
- With two screens and Mokka on the second one, plots' options are not correctly located or not visible.
- Loading first a file, and then using the assistant doesn't display "No File" in the window title bar.
- Fix segment's flickering when a configuration is loaded and some segments are hidden.
- Wrong path when saving a file for the second time.
- The menu to modify the playback speed and the menu to insert events are disabled.
- Impossible to see the delete buttons used to delete plots (in chart/plots options) if the acquisition explorer is in floating mode.
- In the time event bar, the labels' tick can overlap on the other when the unit is the time.
- Using the action "Manage User Layout" under Windows (and Linux?) doesn't show the chosen tab.
- Potential fix for a random bug in Mokka (GRFs are not reloaded and a buffer overflow happens if the new acquisition is longer).
- 04/16/2012: Mokka 0.5.1 released
- Fixes:
- Dragging any kind of item (except video) over the video view hides the current displayed video.
- Clearing a chart for a cropped acquisition reset the zoom.
- Switching between collapsed and expanded analog chart with a cropped acquisition reset the bounds of the chart.
- Mokka 0.5 introduced a bug where it is no more possible to modify the frame of the edited event(s).
- Packaging Mokka under MacOS X doesn't install the phonon backend for quicktime (issue 29).
- 04/11/2012: Mokka 0.5 released
- Enhancements:
- Watch any video joined to an acquisition.
- Import video files (AVI, MOV, MPEG, OGG, WMV)
- New readable TDF file format (BTS Bioengineering).
- New readable AMTI forceplate file format (ASC - FxFyFzMxMyMz file).
- View ground reaction force butterfly (as proposed by Khodadadeh, 1998).
- View ground reaction force path.
- New computed angle for the force platform: Direction angle of the force vector.
- Updates:
- Time bar event can display frame (default) or time. Default setting available in the preferences.
- Unit for the horizontal axis of the charts can be set to frame (default) or time.
- New preferences for the charts.
- New preferences to display ground reaction force butterfly and path.
- New dialog box to save a layout (create a new one or save it on an existing one).
- New dialog box for the visual configuration saving option.
- Importing acquisitions enabled now the save action (not only the "save as").
- Improving the way to save an acquisition. Especially if there is no filename or the current file extension is not supported.
- The collapse of the properties in the acquisition explorer reduces also their size to go down.
- Model pane renamed Acquisition explorer.
- Fixes:
- Re-saving causes change in units in Mokka (issue 22).
- Perspective view loses content upon rotation (issue 21).
- Cropping the region of interest in the time bar doesn't crop the charts.
- Cropping an acquisition and dropping an item into a chart reset the bounds of its X axis.
- Zooming and cropping an acquisition doesn't reset the zoom action.
- VSK/VST file without any model name cannot be loaded.
- VSK/VST file with an empty model name append an empty row in the combobox.
- Cropping and reframing an acquisition several time doesn't work.
- Moving an event and trying to undo this action doesn't reset correctly the event's frame.
- The XLS extension is not in the filter used for the "Open" action.
- Trying to import an EMG file from the Import assistant doesn't open the dialog box to select a file.
- Clicking on an event in the timebar highlights the line representing it in the visible charts only for the first time.
- Clicking on the action "Import > EMF files..." does nothing.
- Trying to write a file with an extension not supported leads to an error. Now open a "Save as" dialog.
- The action "Reframe from one" is enabled even if the first frame is equal to 1.
- 12/09/2011: Mokka 0.4 released
- Enhancements:
- Chart viewer to display analog signals and components of points (markers, angles, forces, etc.) into 2D plots.
- Export plot to bitmap images.
- Console logger to display all the messages coming from Mokka or its dependencies.
- New Layout Manager to save and load the layout of the views and their properties.
- New items in the model pane to represent force platform reactions (force, moment, position).
- Acquisition can now be reframed from the index 1. The events are adapted in consequence.
- Updates:
- Sticks used to display segments are now wider (line width set to 2).
- Improvement in the memory management of the views.
- UI modified for the checker of update when there is no update or when an error occurred.
- The axes used to show the orientation of the 3D view are scaled to have a fixed and squared size.
- Actions in the model configuration menu (gear button) were split. All the actions related to the model tree are in a contextual menu.
- The model panel is no more hidden and then shown when an acquisition is loaded (and the model panel is already visible).
- Acquisition file formats containing only analog data can be opened directly.
- Menu actions updated to be able to import RIF file and export force plateform CAL file.
- (MacOS X only) The preferences window under MacOS X seems native (animation for height, zoom button disabled, no toolbar button, no resize indicator).
- (Windows only): Windows VersionInfo are now set for Mokka.
- Use BTK 0.1.9.
- Fixes:
- List of markers stated as visible into the model pane is wrong under Windows 7 64-bit (issue 14)
- If the unit for the markers is set to meter in the first loaded acquisition, then the coordinates are not correctly scaled.
- In some case in the 3D perspective view, the camera is translated instead of rotated when switching from another application (using the key sequence Alt + Tab).
- Checker of update can be wrongly triggered with alpha release number.
- (MacOS X only) Under MacOS X, the shortcut Command + M is used to minimize the application. The shortcut used to view the model panel is now set to Command + Shift + M (only under MacOS X).
- Minor UI fixes
- 06/16/2011: Mokka 0.3 released
- Enhancements:
- User preferences panel added.
- Visualization of segments added. You can add/remove/edit segments' informations (links, label, descriptions, color). The segment definitions is saved in the Model Visualization Configuration (MVC) file. Undo/Redo support. Preferences for the default segment color added.
- Mokka is able to load Vicon VST/VSK files to configure models.
- New option to check software update.
- Tutorials integrated into the documentation.
- Updates:
- New option to select the length of the markers' trajectory.
- New submenu in "Settings" and in the display configuration button to select the length of the marker trajectory. By default the length is set to 100 frames.
- Camera configuration saved and reloaded when switching between perspective and orthogonal projection.
- Icon for the markers in the model pane rotated.
- Use BTK 0.1.8.
- Fixes:
- The visual configuration unselected is still loaded when opening another acquisition.
- In some case, a subtick appears close to each stick in the time event bar.
- Wrong orthogonal planes when the global up vector is not Z.
- Importing an erroneous file leads to set the window as modified.
- Using the import assistant, all the markers are set as hidden in the dock (only after the loading).
- Width of the file information panel is not adapted when importing data (all infos are set to N/A).
- The first marker for the first frame is every time set as invalid and is not displayed.
- When inserting an event under MacOS X, the end of the letters 'j' and 'p' is not displayed.
- Corrupted model configuration (file not found) is removed but can load another configuration in the list.
- Loading a model configuration from another one doesn't reset radius and color for markers not specified in the new model.
- Loading a dropped file doesn't check if the model configuration is modified or not.
- 02/12/2011: Mokka 0.2 released
- Enhancements:
- Multiple views added.
- Orthogonal projection added.
- New dock widget to show acquisition's data (markers, analog channels, angles, etc.).
- New widget for the timeline and the events.
- Staying over a marker in the 3D view will show a balloon with its label.
- Import / export actions.
- Assistant to import files categorized by company.
- Rubber band added to select markers in the 3D view
- New keyboard shortcut and mouse interaction (check the help).
- Help added.
- Icon added.
- Updates:
- Camera interaction improved for a better user experience.
- Loading time to create 3D objects reduced.
- File's format read and saved updated.
- New FileInfo dock.
- Loading a new acquisition will try to load a visual configuration based on the file name.
- Contextual menus added in the 3D view and the time bar
- Use BTK 0.1.7.
- Fixes:
- 06/10/2010: Mokka 0.1a4 released
- Enhancements:
- Drag and drop support for Mokka.
- New widget to show the loading progress of a file
- It is now possible to create/save/load a visual configuration for the marker.
- Addition of command line options (open an acquisition, load a visual configuration, play the acquisition).
- New menus to deselect the current visual configuration and clear the list of the visual configurations.
- Updates:
- User guide updated and detailed: MokkaUserGuide
- Virtual markers are now distinguished and removed in the case where they are used for segmental frame axes. Other virtual markers are listed but not visible by default.
- Lines in the 3D window are now smoothed for a better rendering.
- The undo/redo is enhanced by splitting the actions between the modification of an acquisition file and the modification of the visual configuration.
- Fixes:
- Clicking in the markers' list when it is empty can crash Mokka.
- On MacOS X, sometimes the loading of a file doesn't happen and keep the previous files (an crash in some case)
- 10/16/2009: Mokka 0.1a3 released
- Updates:
- Markers trajectory can be displayed (click on the icon at the left of the marker's label).
- Modification of acquisition data (points and events) with undo/redo support.
- Acquisition can be saved in C3D or TRC format.
- Fixes:
- Menu Options > Edit Metadata renamed Options > View Metadata as it is not possible to edit them.
- Open/Save dialogs use native dialogs.
- 09/10/2009: Mokka 0.1a2 released
- Enhancements:
- ENH: FPS replaced by 3D global axes.
- ENH: Metadata are diplayed in a modal window (see menu Options > Edit Metadata).
- ENH: Events information & markers properties can be collapsed.
- Fixes:
- Executing Mokka on Windows opens a command prompt.
- C3D data with POINTS:UNITS in meters drawn in millimeters ( Issue 1 ).
- 08/24/2009: Mokka 0.1a1 initial alpha release