BTK Matlab Wrapper  0.3dev.0
Matlab bindings for the Biomechanical ToolKit library (BTK)
btkAppendAnalysisParameter Class Reference


Convenient function to insert or set data into the metadata ANALYSIS formated as required by Vicon.

[analysis, analysisInfo] = btkAppendAnalysisParameter(h, name, context, unit, value)
[analysis, analysisInfo] = btkAppendAnalysisParameter(h, name, context, unit, value, subject)
[analysis, analysisInfo] = btkAppendAnalysisParameter(h, name, context, unit, value, subject, description)
hHandle pointing to a C++ btk::Acquisition object.
nameString with the name of the inserted parameter.
contextString with the context of the inserted parameter (e.g. Left, Right).
unitString with the unit of the inserted parameter (e.g. kg, cm).
valueSingle real value corresponding to the parameter's value.
subjectString with the name of the subject associated with this parameter.
descriptionString with the description of the inserted parameter.
Return values
analysisA structure with the same format than in the function btkGetAnalysis.
analysisInfoA structure with the same format than in the function btkGetAnalysis.
See Also
btkClearAnalysis, btkGetAnalysis, btkRemoveAnalysisParameter