BTK Matlab Wrapper  0.3dev.0
Matlab bindings for the Biomechanical ToolKit library (BTK)
Function List
Here are the function with brief descriptions:
obtkAppendAnalogAppend a new analog channel into the given acquisition and (optionally) return an updated list of analog channels
obtkAppendAnalysisParameterConvenient function to insert or set data into the metadata ANALYSIS formated as required by Vicon
obtkAppendEventAppend a new event into the given acquisition and (optionally) return an updated list of events
obtkAppendForcePlatformType2Append a virtual force platform of type 2 (Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz)
obtkAppendMetaDataAppend a new metada into the given acquisition and (optionally) return an updated list of the metadata
obtkAppendPointAppend a new point into the given acquisition and (optionally) return an updated list of points
obtkClearAnalogsRemove all analog channels in the given acquisition
obtkClearAnalysisClear the content of the metadata ANALYSIS
obtkClearEventsRemove all analog channels in the given acquisition
obtkClearMetaDataRemove all metadata in the given acquisition
obtkClearPointsRemove all points in the given acquisition
obtkCloneAcquisitionClone the given acquisition
obtkCloseAcquisitionRelease the memory associated with a C++ btk::Acquisition object
obtkCropAcquisitionCrop the acquistion and adapt the events' frame/time
obtkDeleteAcquisitionDelete the acquisiton associated with the given handle
obtkEmulateC3DserverCreates an emulated COM object for C3Dserver
obtkFindMetaDataReturn the searched metadata or 0 if not found
obtkGetAnalogExtract one analog channel from the given acquisition based on an index or a string
obtkGetAnalogFrameNumberReturn the number of frames for the analog channels
obtkGetAnalogFrequencyReturn the analog frequency used in the given acquisition
obtkGetAnalogNumberReturn the number of analog channels
obtkGetAnalogResolutionReturns the analog to digital converter (ADC) resolution
obtkGetAnalogsExtract analog channels from the given biomechanical acquisition
obtkGetAnalogSampleNumberPerFrameReturn the number of analog samples per video frame
obtkGetAnalogsValuesExtract analog channels' values and store them in a matrix
obtkGetAnalysisExtract data contained in the metadata ANALYSIS and its children from the given acquisition
obtkGetAnglesExtract angles from a given biomechanical acquisition
obtkGetAnglesValuesExtract angles' values from the given acquisition and store them in a matrix
obtkGetEventNumberReturn the number of events
obtkGetEventsExtract events from a biomechanical acquisition
obtkGetEventsValuesExtract events' values from the given biomechanical acquisition
obtkGetFirstFrameReturn acquisition's first frame index
obtkGetForcePlatformsExtract force platforms' informations from the given biomechanical acquisition
obtkGetForcePlatformWrenchesExtract force platform wrenches expressed in the global frame from a given acquisition
obtkGetForcesExtract forces from a given biomechanical acquisition
obtkGetForcesValuesExtract forces' values from the given acquisition and store them in a matrix
obtkGetGroundReactionWrenchesExtract ground reaction wrenches (GRW) expressed in the global frame from a given acquisition
obtkGetLastFrameReturn acquisition's last frame index
obtkGetMarkersExtract markers from a given biomechanical acquisition
obtkGetMarkersResidualsExtract markers' residuals from the given acquisition and store them in a matrix
obtkGetMarkersValuesExtract markers' values from the given acquisition and store them in a matrix
obtkGetMaxInterpolationGapReturn acquisition's maximum interpolation gap
obtkGetMetaDataExtract metadata for the given acquisition
obtkGetMomentsExtract moments from a given biomechanical acquisition
obtkGetMomentsValuesExtract moments' values from the given acquisition and store them in a matrix
obtkGetPointExtract one point from the given acquisition based on an index or a string
obtkGetPointFrameNumberReturn the number of frames for the points in the given acquisition
obtkGetPointFrequencyReturn the point's frequency for the given acquisition
obtkGetPointNumberReturn the number of points stored in the given acquisition
obtkGetPointsExtract points from the given acquisition
obtkGetPointsResidualsExtract points' residuals from the given acquisition and store them in a matrix
obtkGetPointsUnitReturns requested points' unit
obtkGetPointsValuesExtract points' values from the given acquisition and store them in a matrix
obtkGetPowersExtract powers from a given biomechanical acquisition
obtkGetPowersValuesExtract powers' values from the given acquisition and store them in a matrix
obtkGetScalarsExtract scalars from a given biomechanical acquisition
obtkGetScalarsValuesExtract scalars' values from the given acquisition and store them in a matrix
obtkGetVersionReturn the release number of BTK
obtkMergeAcquisitionsMerge or contatenate the given acquisitions
obtkMetaDataInfoCreate a structure containing the required fields for the informations of a metadata
obtkNewAcquisitionCreate a new and initialized acquisition
obtkReadAcquisitionRead an acquisition's file (C3D, TRC, ...)
obtkRemoveAnalogDelete the analog channel with the given index or label
obtkRemoveAnalysisParameterErase in the metadata ANALYSIS the parameter the given index or context/name
obtkRemoveEventDelete events corresponding to the given criterias
obtkRemoveMetaDataRemove a metada and return an updated list of the metada in the acquisition
obtkRemovePointDelete the point with the given index or label
obtkSetAnalogDescriptionModify the analog's description and return a list of the updated analog channels
obtkSetAnalogGainModify analog's gain and return updated analogs
obtkSetAnalogLabelModify analog's label and return updated analogs
obtkSetAnalogNumberSets the number of analog channels
obtkSetAnalogOffsetModify analog's offset and return updated analogs
obtkSetAnalogResolutionSets the ADC resolution
obtkSetAnalogSampleNumberPerFrameSet the number of analog sample per 3D frame
obtkSetAnalogScaleModify analog's scale and return updated analogs
obtkSetAnalogsValuesSets analog channels' values from a matrix
obtkSetAnalogUnitModify the analog's unit and return a list of the updated analog channels
obtkSetAnalogValuesModify analog's value and return updated analogs
obtkSetAnglesValuesSets angles' components from a matrix
obtkSetEventDescriptionModify the description of all events which have the required label
obtkSetEventIdModify the id of all events which have the required label
obtkSetEventLabelModify the label of the selected event
obtkSetEventSubjectModify the subject's information of the selected event
obtkSetEventTimeModify the time of the selected event
obtkSetFirstFrameSet acquisition's first frame index (and optionally adapt events' frame/time)
obtkSetForcesValuesSets forces' components from a matrix
obtkSetFrameNumberSet points and analogs frames number
obtkSetFrequencySet the main frequency
obtkSetMarkersResidualsSets markers' residuals from a matrix
obtkSetMarkersValuesSets markers' coordinates from a matrix
obtkSetMaxInterpolationGapSet acquisition's maximum interpolation gap
obtkSetMetaDataSet an existing metada into the given acquisition and (optionally) return an updated list of the metadata
obtkSetMetaDataDescriptionSet a metadata's description
obtkSetMetaDataDimensionsSet metadata's dimensions
obtkSetMetaDataFormatSet a metadata's format
obtkSetMetaDataLabelSet a metadata's label
obtkSetMetaDataUnlockEt the unlock state of a metadata
obtkSetMetaDataValueSet one metadata's value
obtkSetMomentsValuesSets moments' components from a matrix
obtkSetPointModify point's data and return updated points
obtkSetPointDescriptionModify point's description and return updated points
obtkSetPointLabelModify point's label and return updated points
obtkSetPointNumberSets the number of points
obtkSetPointResidualsSets point's residuals from a row vector
obtkSetPointsResidualsSets points' residuals from a matrix
obtkSetPointsUnitModify points' unit
obtkSetPointsValuesSets points' components from a matrix
obtkSetPointTypeModify point's type and return updated points
obtkSetPointValuesSets point's coordinates (values) from a matrix
obtkSetPowersValuesSets powers' components from a matrix
obtkSetScalarsValuesSets scalars' coordinates from a matrix
obtkTransformTDFToViconC3DFileTransforms a TDF file (BTS Bioengineering) to a compatible Vicon C3D file
\btkWriteAcquisitionWrite acquisition's data into file (C3D, TRC, ...)