BTK Matlab Wrapper  0.3dev.0
Matlab bindings for the Biomechanical ToolKit library (BTK)
btkAppendPoint Class Reference


Append a new point into the given acquisition and (optionally) return an updated list of points.

[points, pointsInfo] = btkAppendPoint(h, type, label, values)
[points, pointsInfo] = btkAppendPoint(h, type, label, values, residuals)
[points, pointsInfo] = btkAppendPoint(h, type, label, values, residuals, desc)
hHandle pointing to a C++ btk::Acquisition object.
typeString with the point's type (see note #1).
labelString containing the label of the inserted point.
valuesMatrix (n,3) of reals where n is the number of frames.
residualsMatrix (n,1) of reals where n is the number of frames (see note #2).
descString continaing the description of the inserted point.
Return values
pointsUpdated list of points. Its format is the same than using the function btkGetPoints.
pointsInfoUpdated informations related to the points. Its format is the same than using the function btkGetPoints.
Detailed description:
Note #1: The point's type must be a string corresponding to one of the following string:
  • marker ;
  • angle ;
  • force ;
  • moment ;
  • power ;
  • scalar ;
  • reaction.
Note #2: The residual is an informational parameter and is not used in some commercial softwares.
See Also
btkClearPoints, btkGetPoints, btkRemovePoint