BTK Matlab Wrapper  0.3dev.0
Matlab bindings for the Biomechanical ToolKit library (BTK)
btkSetMetaDataDimensions Class Reference


Set metadata's dimensions.

md = btkSetMetaDataDimensions(h, idx, newdims)
md = btkSetMetaDataDimensions(h, idx, subidx, newdims)
md = btkSetMetaDataDimensions(h, idx, subidx, ..., newdims)
md = btkSetMetaDataDimensions(h, label, newdims)
md = btkSetMetaDataDimensions(h, label, sublabel, newdims)
md = btkSetMetaDataDimensions(h, label, sublabel, ..., newdims)
hHandle pointing to a C++ btk::Acquisition object.
idxInteger specifying the index of a metadata.
subidxInteger specifying the index of a metadata.
labelString specifying the label of a metadata.
sublabelString specifying the label of a metadata.
...Others integers and/or strings to select the metadata to remove.
newdimsVector with the new dimensions.
Return values
mdStructure with the same format than the function btkGetMetaData.
Detailed description:
btkSetMetaDataDimensions(h, idx, newdims) sets the dimensions of the metadata with the index idx contained in the root. btkSetMetaDataDimensions(h, idx, subidx, newdims) sets the dimensions of the metadata with the index subidx contained in the metadata with the index idx. btkSetMetaDataDimensions(h, idx, subidx, ..., newdims) sets the dimensions of any metadata specified by the gives indices. btkSetMetaDataDimensions(h, label, newdims) sets the dimensions of the metadata with the label label contained in the root. btkSetMetaDataDimensions(h, label, sublabel, newdims) sets the dimensions of the metadata with the label sublabel contained in the metadata with the label label. btkSetMetaDataDimensions(h, label, sublabel, ..., newdims) sets the dimensions of any metadata specified by the given labels.

You can mix label and index to set the dimensions of a metadata entry.

The number of sub-level is infinite. However, the main common use of the metadata is to use 2 levels. This use was introduced in the C3D format.
See Also
btkSetMetaDataDescription, btkSetMetaDataFormat, btkSetMetaDataLabel, btkSetMetaDataUnlock, btkSetMetaDataValue