Extract metadata for the given acquisition.
- Syntax:
md = btkGetMetaData(h)
md = btkGetMetaData(h, label)
md = btkGetMetaData(h, label, sublabel)
md = btkGetMetaData(h, label, sublabel, ...)
- Parameters
h | Handle pointing to a C++ btk::Acquisition object. |
h | label String to extract only the metadata and its children with the label label from the root level. |
h | sublabel String to extract only the metadata and its children with the label sublabel from the metadata 'label' . |
h | ... Others strings to extract the metadata at any desired level. |
- Return values
md | Structure with the following fields:
md.info: Strucutre containing metadata's informations if present or the value 0
md.info.format : String containing information's format. Only the following formats are available:
- Char ;
- Byte ;
- Integer ;
- Real.
md.info.dims : Matrix with the dimensions of the values
md.info.values : Matrix of array or cells depending the format.
md.children: Store the same structure for the children of 0 if there is not.
md.description: String containing the metadata's description
md.unlocked: Flag to know if the metadata is set as unlocked or not.
- Detailed description:
- If no metadata has the given label, then an error is thrown. By default, BTK, use two label of metadata representing group and parameters (as proposed in the C3D format).
- See Also
- btkAppendMetaData, btkClearMetaData, btkFindMetaData, btkRemoveMetaData, btkSetMetaData