BTK Matlab Wrapper  0.3dev.0
Matlab bindings for the Biomechanical ToolKit library (BTK)
btkGetAngles Class Reference


Extract angles from a given biomechanical acquisition.

[angles, anglesInfo] = btkGetAngles(h)
hHandle pointing to a C++ btk::Acquisition object.
Return values
anglesStructure with the angles' values. Each field corresponds to an angle's label (see note #1).
anglesInfoStructure with the informations related to the angles.
  • anglesInfo.frequency: Point's frequency
  • anglesInfo.units: Structure with one one field labeled ALLANGLES with the unit (string) of the angles.
Detailed description:
Note #1: Check the page Field's name format in extracted structures to understand how the fields' name are formated.
See Also