Open-source library to visualize/process biomechanical data
btk | The "btk" namespace contains all Biomechanical ToolKit (BTK) classes |
Acquisition | Contains the data related to a biomechanical acquisition |
AcquisitionFileIO | Interface to read/write acquisition's files |
Extension | Native extension used with an acquisition file IO |
Extensions | List of AcquisitionFileIO::Extension object |
AcquisitionFileIOFactory | Manage all the acquisition file IOs and detect if a file is readable or writable |
AcquisitionFileIOHandle | Store properties of a acquisition file IO |
Functor | Abstract class used to store a pointer to the method New() of a class inheriting from btk::AcquisitionFileIO |
AcquisitionFileIORegister | Interface to add dynamicaly an acquisition file I/O in the factory |
AcquisitionFileReader | Reader for files which contain acquisition data (C3D, TRC, ...) |
AcquisitionFileReaderException | Exception class for the AcquisitionFileReader class |
AcquisitionFileWriter | Writer of acquisition data into acquisition file (C3D, TRC, ...) |
AcquisitionFileWriterException | Exception class for the AcquisitionFileWriter class |
AcquisitionUnitConverter | Convert the units of the given input for points and analog channels |
AMTIForcePlatformFileIO | Interface to read/write AMTIForcePlatform files |
AMTIForcePlatformFileIOException | Exception class for the AMTIForcePlatformFileIO class |
Analog | Analog channel data along the time |
AnalogOffsetRemover | Remove a possible analog offset to the selected analog channels |
ANBFileIO | Interface to read/write ANB files |
ANBFileIOException | Exception class for the ANBFileIO class |
ANCFileIO | Interface to read/write ANC files |
ANCFileIOException | Exception class for the ANCFileIO class |
ANGFileIO | Interface to read/write ANG files |
ANGFileIOException | Exception class for the ANGFileIO class |
ASCIIFileWriter | Writer of acquisition data into ASCII/Text file |
ASCIIFileWriterException | Exception class for the ASCIIFileWriter class |
BinaryFileStream | An abstract class which read/write binary file in VAX and IEEE floating format with the corresponding byte order |
BSFFileIO | Interface to read/write BSF files |
BSFFileIOException | Exception class for the BSFFileIO class |
C3DFileIO | Interface to read/write C3D files |
C3DFileIOException | Exception class for the C3DFileIO class |
CALForcePlateFileIO | Interface to read/write CAL files containing calibration of force platform |
CALForcePlateFileIOException | Exception class for the CALForcePlateFileIO class |
CLBFileIO | Interface to read/write CLB files |
CLBFileIOException | Exception class for the CLBFileIO class |
Collection | List of objects |
CollectionAssembly | Group together a set of collections of the same type |
ConversionError | Bad conversion exception class |
DataObject | Input and output entry for processes in pipelines |
DataObjectLabeled | DataObject with a label and a description |
DelsysEMGFileIO | Interface to read Delsys EMG files |
DelsysEMGFileIOException | Exception class for the DelsysEMGFileIO class |
DomainError | Logic error exception |
DownsampleFilter | Downsample data stored in the given input |
EMFFileIO | Interface to read/write EMF files |
EMFFileIOException | Exception class for the EMFFileIO class |
EMxFileIO | Interface to read/write EMx files |
EMxFileIOException | Exception class for the EMxFileIO class |
Event | Label a specific time/frame during an acquisition |
Exception | General class for exception |
ForcePlatform | Base class for all type of force platform |
ForcePlatformsExtractor | Extracts force platform data from a btk::Acquisition object |
ForcePlatformType | Convenient class to represent a concrete force platform |
ForcePlatformWrenchFilter | Calcule the wrench of the center of the force platform data, expressed in the global frame (by default) |
GroundReactionWrenchFilter | Transform force platform data into ground reaction wrenches |
GRxFileIO | Interface to read/write GRx files |
GRxFileIOException | Exception class for the GRxFileIO class |
IEEEBigEndianBinaryFileStream | Class to read and write binary file encoded from a IEEE (BE) to a VAX (LE) and IEEE (LE, BE) processor |
IEEELittleEndianBinaryFileStream | Class to read and write binary file encoded from a IEEE (LE) to a VAX (LE) and IEEE (LE, BE) processor |
IMU | Container of analog channels representing an inertial measurement unit (IMU) |
IMUsExtractor | Extracts inertial measurement units (IMUs) from a btk::Acquisition object |
IMUType | Convenient class to represents a concrete IMU |
KistlerDATFileIO | Interface to read Kistler DAT files |
KistlerDATFileIOException | Exception class for the KistlerDATFileIO class |
Logger | Log mechanism to display debug message, warnings and errors |
Stream | Helper class to store information regarding the output streams used by the class Logger |
LogicError | Logic error exception |
MDFFileIO | Interface to read MDF/MDR files (Codamotion) |
MDFFileIOException | Exception class for the MDFFileIO class |
Measure | Measure with d dimensions along the time |
MeasureData | Template class to store data for any kind of measurement |
MeasureFrameExtractor | Extracts a frame from a collection of btk::Measure objects |
MeasureTraits | Trait used to determine the type of data and the number of components used for a measure |
MeasureTraits< Analog > | |
Data | Class storing the measures for one analog channel |
MeasureTraits< Point > | |
Data | Class storing the measures for a point (3D values and residuals along the time) |
MergeAcquisitionFilter | Merges or concatenates two or more btk::Acquisition objects into a single new one |
MetaData | Store data which cannot be embedded within timeseries data (calibration matrix, subject informations, ...) |
MetaDataInfo | Container class to store data of a MetaData object |
mmfilebuf | File buffer using the the memory mapped mechanism |
mmfstream | Provides an interface to read/write data from files as input/output streams |
MOMFileIO | Interface to read/write MOM files |
MOMFileIOException | Exception class for the MOMFileIO class |
MotionAnalysisBinaryFileIO | Acquisition IO abstract class used for the Motion Analysis ANB/TRB file format |
MotionAnalysisBinaryFileIOException | Exception class for the MotionAnalysisBinaryFileIO class |
MultiSTLFileWriter | Writer of acquisition data into multiple STL binary file format |
MultiSTLFileWriterException | Exception class for the MultiSTLFileWriter class |
NativeBinaryFileStream | Native binary file stream chosen by the used compiler |
NullPtr | To simplify the API when testing a shared pointer to know if it is null or not |
Object | Base for all objects which need to keep track of modified time |
OutOfRangeException | Out of range exception |
Point | Coordinates of a point in a 3D space along the time |
ProcessObject | Interface to create a filter/process in a pipeline |
PWRFileIO | Interface to read/write PWR files |
PWRFileIOException | Exception class for the PWRFileIO class |
RAxFileIO | Interface to read/write RAx files |
RAxFileIOException | Exception class for the RAxFileIO class |
RICFileIO | Interface to read/write RIC files |
RICFileIOException | Exception class for the RICFileIO class |
RuntimeError | Runtime error exception |
SeparateKnownVirtualMarkersFilter | Separate a collection of points in five categories to be able to distinguish real markers from the others |
StringAxes | Structure to store the four labels used for a refrence frame |
SpecializedPointsExtractor | Extracts only the points corresponding to the given type (without cloning the extracted points) |
SubAcquisitionFilter | Extract a subpart of the acquisition |
TDFFileIO | Interface to read/write ANG files |
TDFFileIOException | Exception class for the TDFFileIO class |
TRBFileIO | Interface to read/write TRB files |
TRBFileIOException | Exception class for the TRBFileIO class |
TRCFileIO | Interface to read/write TRC files |
TRCFileIOException | Exception class for the TRCFileIO class |
TriangleMesh | Read-only class representing a triangle mesh based on markers's IDs and links between them |
Edge | Read-only class used to represent an edge as a set of two vertices |
Face | Read-only class used to represent a face as a set of three vertices |
Vertex | Read-only class used to bridge the content of a Point into a vertex |
VertexFace | Store three marker's IDs to create a face |
VertexLink | Store two marker's IDs to create a link between them (Only to create mesh's edge) |
VAXLittleEndianBinaryFileStream | Class to read and write binary file encoded from a VAX (LE) processor to a VAX (LE) and IEEE (LE, BE) processor |
VerticalGroundReactionForceGaitEventDetector | Detect heel strike and toe-off events during gait from vertical ground reaction wrench |
Wrench | Represents a wrench as position, force and moment varying during the time |
WrenchDirectionAngleFilter | Calculate the direction angle of the force vector for each wrench |
XLSOrthoTrakFileIO | Class to read XLSOrthoTrak files |
XLSOrthoTrakFileIOException | Exception class for the XLSOrthoTrakFileIO class |
XMOVEFileIO | Interface to read XMOVE/MDR files (Codamotion) |
XMOVEFileIOException | Exception class for the XMOVEFileIO class |