BTK Python wrapper
Python bindings for the Biomechanical ToolKit library (BTK)
Contains the data related to a biomechanical acquisition. More...
Static Public Attributes | |
Bit10 = _btk.btkAcquisition_Bit10 | |
Bit12 = _btk.btkAcquisition_Bit12 | |
Bit14 = _btk.btkAcquisition_Bit14 | |
Bit16 = _btk.btkAcquisition_Bit16 | |
Bit8 = _btk.btkAcquisition_Bit8 | |
Contains the data related to a biomechanical acquisition.
Contains the data related to a biomechanical acquisition. A biomechanical acquisition can contains: - 3D data (makers, points, forces, moments, ...) ; - analog channels (force platform, emg, ...) ; - events - acquisition's setup ; - subject's informations. By default, the first frame is set to 1, the analog resolution is set to 12-bit, the maximum interpolation gap to 10 frames and the units are: - Marker: millimeters ; - Angle: degrees ; - Force: newtons ; - Moment: millimeter-newtons ; - Power: watts ; - Scalar: millimeters ; - Reaction: (nothing). After the creation of the acquisition, you should use the Init() method to populate the acquisition. The member used for the maximum interpolation gap is only for information and is not used in the acquisition. It could be used later in a filter to fill gap. The analog resolution can be set to the following values: - btk.btkAcquisition.Bit8 ; - btk.btkAcquisition.Bit10 ; - btk.btkAcquisition.Bit12 ; - btk.btkAcquisition.Bit14 ; - btk.btkAcquisition.Bit16.
def btk.btkAcquisition.AppendAnalog | ( | self, | args | ) |
AppendAnalog(self, btkAnalog) Append the analog channel ac in the acquisition This method also resizes the frame number of the inserted analog channel if necessary.
def btk.btkAcquisition.AppendEvent | ( | self, | args | ) |
AppendEvent(self, btkEvent) Appends the given event in the acquisition.
def btk.btkAcquisition.AppendPoint | ( | self, | args | ) |
AppendPoint(self, btkPoint) Convenient method to append a point in the acquisition. This method also resizes the frame number of the inserted point if necessary.
def btk.btkAcquisition.BeginAnalog | ( | self | ) |
BeginAnalog(self) -> btkAnalogCollectionIterator Returns an iterator to the beginning of the list of analog channels.
def btk.btkAcquisition.BeginEvent | ( | self | ) |
BeginEvent(self) -> btkEventCollectionIterator Returns an iterator to the beginning of the list of events.
def btk.btkAcquisition.BeginMetaData | ( | self | ) |
BeginMetaData(self) -> btkMetaDataIterator Returns an iterator to the beginning of the list of metadata.
def btk.btkAcquisition.BeginPoint | ( | self | ) |
BeginPoint(self) -> btkPointCollectionIterator Returns an iterator to the beginning of the list of points.
def btk.btkAcquisition.ClearAnalogs | ( | self | ) |
ClearAnalogs(self) Clear analogs channels.
def btk.btkAcquisition.ClearEvents | ( | self | ) |
ClearEvents(self) Clear events.
def btk.btkAcquisition.ClearPoints | ( | self | ) |
ClearPoints(self) Clear points.
def btk.btkAcquisition.Clone | ( | self | ) |
Clone(self) -> btkAcquisition Deep copy of the object
def btk.btkAcquisition.EndAnalog | ( | self | ) |
EndAnalog(self) -> btkAnalogCollectionIterator Returns an iterator just past the last analog channel.
def btk.btkAcquisition.EndEvent | ( | self | ) |
EndEvent(self) -> btkEventCollectionIterator Returns a const iterator just past the last event.
def btk.btkAcquisition.EndMetaData | ( | self | ) |
EndMetaData(self) -> btkMetaDataIterator Returns an iterator just past the last metadata.
def btk.btkAcquisition.EndPoint | ( | self | ) |
EndPoint(self) -> btkPointCollectionIterator Returns an iterator just past the last point.
def btk.btkAcquisition.FindAnalog | ( | self, | args | ) |
FindAnalog(self, string) -> btkAnalogIterator Finds the analog channel with the proposed label and returns the iterator associated with it. If no analog channel has the given label, an iterator pointing to the end of the collection is returned.
def btk.btkAcquisition.FindEvent | ( | self, | args | ) |
FindEvent(self, string) -> btkEventIterator Finds the event with the proposed label and returns the iterator associated with it. If no event has the given label, an iterator pointing to the end of the collection is returned.
def btk.btkAcquisition.FindPoint | ( | self, | args | ) |
FindPoint(self, string) -> btkPointIterator Finds the point with the proposed label and returns the iterator associated with it. If no point has the given label, an iterator pointing to the end of the collection is returned.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetAnalog | ( | self, | args | ) |
GetAnalog(self, int) -> btkAnalog GetAnalog(self, string) -> btkAnalog Gets the analog channel at the given index or label. If no Analog exists, then an exception is thrown.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetAnalogFrameNumber | ( | self | ) |
GetAnalogFrameNumber(self) -> int Returns the number of frames for the analog channels.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetAnalogFrequency | ( | self | ) |
GetAnalogFrequency(self) -> double Returns the analogs sample rate.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetAnalogNumber | ( | self | ) |
GetAnalogNumber(self) -> int Returns the number of analog channels.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetAnalogResolution | ( | self | ) |
GetAnalogResolution(self) -> btk.btkAcquisition.AnalogResolution Returns the analog resolution.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetAnalogs | ( | self | ) |
GetAnalogs(self) -> btkAnalogCollection Returns the collection of analog channels.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetDuration | ( | self | ) |
GetDuration(self) -> double Returns the duration of the acquisition. The duration is computed as the multiplication of the points' frequency with the points frame number.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetEvent | ( | self, | args | ) |
GetEvent(self, int) -> btkEvent Gets the event at the given index.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetEventNumber | ( | self | ) |
GetEventNumber(self) -> int Returns the number of events.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetEvents | ( | self | ) |
GetEvents(self) -> btkEventCollection Returns the collection of events.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetFirstFrame | ( | self | ) |
GetFirstFrame(self) -> int Return the first frame index of the acquisition.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetLastFrame | ( | self | ) |
GetLastFrame(self) -> int Returns the last frame index of the acquisition base on the first frame index and the frame number.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetMaxInterpolationGap | ( | self | ) |
GetMaxInterpolationGap(self) -> int Gets the maximum gap length that any interpolation method would fill for the 3D point data. Warning: Only for information. Could be use later by a filter to fill gap 3D trajectories.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetMetaData | ( | self | ) |
GetMetaData(self) -> btkMetaData Returns the metadata.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetNumberAnalogSamplePerFrame | ( | self | ) |
GetNumberAnalogSamplePerFrame(self) -> int Returns the number of analog sample (acquired by each channel) per point frame.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetPoint | ( | self, | args | ) |
GetPoint(self, int) -> btkPoint GetPoint(self, string) -> btkPoint Gets the point at the given index or label. If no Point exists, then an exception is thrown.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetPointFrameNumber | ( | self | ) |
GetPointFrameNumber(self) -> int Returns the number of frames for the points.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetPointFrequency | ( | self | ) |
GetPointFrequency(self) -> double Returns the point's frequency.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetPointNumber | ( | self | ) |
GetPointNumber(self) -> int Returns the number of points.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetPoints | ( | self | ) |
GetPoints(self) -> btkPointCollection Returns the collection of points.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetPointUnit | ( | self, | args | ) |
GetPointUnit(self) -> std::string const GetPointUnit(self, arg2) -> std::string const Returns the unit for points which have the given type.
def btk.btkAcquisition.GetTimestamp | ( | self | ) |
GetTimestamp(self) -> unsigned long Returns the timestamp of the object.
def btk.btkAcquisition.Init | ( | self, | args | ) |
Init(self, pointNumber, frameNumber, analogNumber = 0, , analogSampleNumberPerPointFrame = 1) Init(self, pointNumber, frameNumber, analogNumber = 0) Init(self, pointNumber, frameNumber) Initialize the acquisition with the given number of point which have each the given number of frames. You can set also the number of analog channels and their number of frames corresponds to the given integer factor multiplied by the number of frames for the points. This method label added points and analog channels using the string 'uname*' concatenated with the index of the channel.
def btk.btkAcquisition.IsEmptyAnalog | ( | self | ) |
IsEmptyAnalog(self) -> bool Checks if the analogs' list is empty.
def btk.btkAcquisition.IsEmptyEvent | ( | self | ) |
IsEmptyEvent(self) -> bool Checks if the events' list is empty.
def btk.btkAcquisition.IsEmptyPoint | ( | self | ) |
IsEmptyPoint(self) -> bool Checks if the points' list is empty.
def btk.btkAcquisition.RemoveAnalog | ( | self, | args | ) |
RemoveAnalog(self, string) RemoveAnalog(self, int) RemoveAnalog(self, btkAnalogCollectionIterator) -> btkAnalogCollectionIterator Convenient method to delete an analog channel from the acquisition.
def btk.btkAcquisition.RemoveEvent | ( | self, | args | ) |
RemoveAnalog(self, int) RemoveEvent(self, btkEventCollectionIterator) -> btkEventCollectionIterator Removes the event associated with the given index or the given iterator.
def btk.btkAcquisition.RemovePoint | ( | self, | args | ) |
RemovePoint(self, string) RemovePoint(self, int) RemovePoint(self, btkPointCollectionIterator) -> btkPointCollectionIterator Convenient method to delete a point from the acquisition.
def btk.btkAcquisition.Reset | ( | self | ) |
Reset(self) Resets the acquisition as an empty acquisition. To re-populate this acquisition, you need to re-use the Init() method to set the point and analog number and their frame number.
def btk.btkAcquisition.Resize | ( | self, | args | ) |
Resize(self, pointNumber, frameNumber, analogNumber = 0, , analogSampleNumberPerPointFrame = 1) Resize(self, pointNumber, frameNumber, analogNumber = 0) Resize(self, pointNumber, frameNumber) Resize the acquisition. Same as the method Init(), but does not label added points and analog channels
def btk.btkAcquisition.ResizeAnalogNumber | ( | self, | args | ) |
ResizeAnalogNumber(self, int) Resize the number of analog channels.
def btk.btkAcquisition.ResizeFrameNumber | ( | self, | args | ) |
ResizeFrameNumber(self, int) Resize the number of frames.
def btk.btkAcquisition.ResizeFrameNumberFromEnd | ( | self, | args | ) |
ResizeFrameNumberFromEnd(self, int) Resize the number of frames by adding new (or removing) frames at the beginning of the acquisition and set automatically the new first frame index.
def btk.btkAcquisition.ResizePointNumber | ( | self, | args | ) |
ResizePointNumber(self, int) Resize the number of points.
def btk.btkAcquisition.SetAnalog | ( | self, | args | ) |
SetAnalog(self, int, btkAnalog) Sets the analog channel at the given index by the content of the given analog channel.
def btk.btkAcquisition.SetAnalogNumber | ( | self, | args | ) |
SetAnalogNumber(self, int) Sets the number of analog channels.
def btk.btkAcquisition.SetAnalogResolution | ( | self, | args | ) |
SetAnalogResolution(self, btk.btkAcquisition.AnalogResolution) Sets the analog resolution.
def btk.btkAcquisition.SetAnalogs | ( | self, | args | ) |
SetAnalogs(self, btkAnalogCollection) Sets analog channels for this acquisition.
def btk.btkAcquisition.SetEvent | ( | self, | args | ) |
SetEvent(self, int, btkEvent) Sets the content of event at the given index.
def btk.btkAcquisition.SetEventNumber | ( | self, | args | ) |
SetEventNumber(self, int) Sets the number of events.
def btk.btkAcquisition.SetEvents | ( | self, | args | ) |
SetEvents(self, btkEventCollection) Sets events for this acquisition.
def btk.btkAcquisition.SetFirstFrame | ( | self, | args | ) |
SetFirstFrame(self, int, adaptEvents) SetFirstFrame(self, int) Sets the first frame index. If the third argument is given and set to true, then events' frame/time will be shifted by the difference between the new first frame and the old one.
def btk.btkAcquisition.SetMaxInterpolationGap | ( | self, | args | ) |
SetMaxInterpolationGap(self, int) Sets the maximum gap length that any interpolation method would fill for the 3D point data. Warning: Only for information. Could be use later by a filter to fill gap 3D trajectories.
def btk.btkAcquisition.SetMetaData | ( | self, | args | ) |
SetMetaData(self, btkMetaData) Sets the metadata of the acquisition.
def btk.btkAcquisition.SetPoint | ( | self, | args | ) |
SetPoint(self, int, btkPoint) Sets the content of a point at the given index.
def btk.btkAcquisition.SetPointFrequency | ( | self, | args | ) |
SetPointFrequency(self, double) Sets the points sample rate.
def btk.btkAcquisition.SetPointNumber | ( | self, | args | ) |
SetPointNumber(self, int) Sets the number of points.
def btk.btkAcquisition.SetPoints | ( | self, | args | ) |
SetPoints(self, btkPointCollection) Sets points for this acquisition.
def btk.btkAcquisition.SetPointUnit | ( | self, | args | ) |
SetPointUnit(self, units="mm") SetPointUnit(self) SetPointUnit(self, arg2, arg3) Sets the point's unit for the given point's type. The type btk.btkPoint.Reaction cannot have any unit. You cannot set it.
def btk.btkAcquisition.Update | ( | self | ) |
Update(self) Updates the ProcessObject associated with this DataObject.
static |
10-bit resolution for the analog to digital converter (ADC).
static |
12-bit resolution for the analog to digital converter (ADC).
static |
14-bit resolution for the analog to digital converter (ADC).
static |
16-bit resolution for the analog to digital converter (ADC).
static |
8-bit resolution for the analog to digital converter (ADC).