BTK Python wrapper  0.3dev.0
Python bindings for the Biomechanical ToolKit library (BTK)
Classes | Functions
btk Namespace Reference

High level classes and functions to open, edit and modify biomechanical acquisition. More...


class  _object
 Abstract interface for the Python wrapping of BTK.
class  btkAcquisition
 Contains the data related to a biomechanical acquisition. More...
class  btkAcquisitionFileIO
 Interface to read/write acquisition's files. More...
class  btkAcquisitionFileReader
 Reader for files which contain acquisition data (C3D, TRC, ...). More...
class  btkAcquisitionFileWriter
 Writer for files which contain acquisition data (C3D, TRC, ...). More...
class  btkAcquisitionUnitConverter
 Convert the units of the given input for points and analog channels. More...
class  btkAnalog
 Analog channel data along the time. More...
class  btkAnalogCollection
 Collection of analog channels stored in a list. More...
class  btkAnalogCollectionIterator
 Iterator to pass trough the collection of analog channels. More...
class  btkAnalogData
 Class storing the measures for one analog channel. More...
class  btkAnalogOffsetRemover
 Remove a possible analog offset to the selected analog channels. More...
class  btkANBFileIO
 Class to read/write ANB files. More...
class  btkANCFileIO
 Class to read/write ANC files. More...
class  btkANGFileIO
 Class to read ANG files. More...
class  btkC3DFileIO
 Class to read/write C3D files. More...
class  btkCALForcePlateFileIO
 Class to read/write force plate CAL files. More...
class  btkCLBFileIO
 Class to read CLB Contec Inc file. More...
class  btkDelsysEMGFileIO
 Class to read Delsys EMG files. More...
class  btkDoubleArray
 Array of doubles stored in a btkMetaDataInfo object. More...
class  btkEMFFileIO
 Class to read EMF files. More...
class  btkEMxFileIO
 Class to read EMG files. More...
class  btkEvent
 Label a specific time/frame during an acquisition. More...
class  btkEventCollection
 Collection of events stored in a list. More...
class  btkEventCollectionIterator
 Iterator to pass trough the collection of events. More...
class  btkForcePlatform
 Base class for all type of force platform. More...
class  btkForcePlatformCollection
 Collection of force platform stored in a list. More...
class  btkForcePlatformCollectionIterator
 Iterator to pass trough the collection of force platform. More...
class  btkForcePlatformsExtractor
 Extracts force platform data from a btk::Acquisition object. More...
class  btkForcePlatformWrenchFilter
 Calcule the wrench of the center of the force platform data, expressed in the global frame (by default). More...
class  btkGroundReactionWrenchFilter
 Transform force platform data into ground reaction wrenches. More...
class  btkGRxFileIO
 Class to read GR* files. More...
class  btkIMU
 Container of analog channels representing an inertial measurement unit (IMU). More...
class  btkIMUCollection
 Collection of IMUs stored in a list. More...
class  btkIMUCollectionIterator
 Iterator to pass trough the collection of IMUs. More...
class  btkIMUsExtractor
 Extracts inertial measurement units (IMUs) from a btkAcquisition object. More...
class  btkIntArray
 Array of integers stored in a btkMetaDataInfo object. More...
class  btkMDFFileIO
 Class to read MDF files (Codamotion). More...
class  btkMergeAcquisitionFilter
 Merges or concatenates two or more btk::Acquisition objects into a single new one. More...
class  btkMetaData
 Store data which cannot be embedded within timeseries (calibration matrix, subject informations, ...). More...
class  btkMetaDataInfo
 Container class to store data of a btkMetaData object. More...
class  btkMetaDataIterator
 Iterator to pass trough a level of metadata. More...
class  btkMOMFileIO
 Class to read MOM files. More...
class  btkPoint
 Coordinates of a point in a 3D space along the time. More...
class  btkPointCollection
 Collection of points stored in a list. More...
class  btkPointCollectionIterator
 Iterator to pass trough the collection of points. More...
class  btkPointData
 Class storing the measures for a point (3D values and residuals along the time). More...
class  btkPWRFileIO
 Class to read PWR files. More...
class  btkRAxFileIO
 Class to read RAH, RAW files. More...
class  btkRICFileIO
 Class to read RIC files. More...
class  btkSeparateKnownVirtualMarkersFilter
 Separate a collection of points in five categories to be able to distinguish real markers from the others. More...
class  btkSpecializedPointsExtractor
 Extracts only the points corresponding to the given type (without cloning the extracted points). More...
class  btkStringArray
 Array of strings stored in a btkMetaDataInfo object. More...
class  btkStringAxes
 Workaround to represent the C++ class btk::SeparateKnownVirtualMarkersFilter::StringAxes with SWIG. More...
class  btkStringAxesList
 Convenient class to store a list of btkStringAxes object. More...
class  btkStringList
 Convenient class to store a list of string. More...
class  btkSubAcquisitionFilter
 Extract a subpart of the acquisition. More...
class  btkTDFFileIO
 Class to read TDF files. More...
class  btkTRBFileIO
 Class to read/write TRB files. More...
class  btkTRCFileIO
 Class to read/write TRC files. More...
class  btkVerticalGroundReactionForceGaitEventDetector
 Detect heel strike and toe-off events during gait from vertical ground reaction wrench. More...
class  btkWrench
 Represents a wrench as position, force and moment varying during the time. More...
class  btkWrenchCollection
 Collection of wrenches stored in a list. More...
class  btkWrenchCollectionDownsampleFilter
 Downsample a collection of wrenches. More...
class  btkWrenchCollectionIterator
 Iterator to pass trough the collection of wrenches. More...
class  btkWrenchDirectionAngleFilter
 Calcule the direction angle of the force vector for each wrench. More...
class  btkWrenchDownsampleFilter
 Downsample data stored in a wrench. More...
class  btkXLSOrthoTrakFileIO
 Class to read XLS (Orthotrak) files. More...
class  btkXMOVEFileIO
 Class to read XMOVE files (Codamotion). More...
class  SwigPyIterator


def btkForcePlatformType1
def btkForcePlatformType2
def btkForcePlatformType3
def btkForcePlatformType4
def btkForcePlatformType5
def btkForcePlatformType6
def btkIMUType1
def btkIMUType2
def btkMetaDataCollapseChildrenValuesDouble
def btkMetaDataCollapseChildrenValuesInt
def btkMetaDataCollapseChildrenValuesString
def btkMetaDataCreateChild
def Iterate

Detailed Description

High level classes and functions to open, edit and modify biomechanical acquisition.

Function Documentation

def btk.btkForcePlatformType1 ( )
  btkForcePlatformType1() -> btkForcePlatform

  Force platform composed of 6 channels:
   - FX: Horizontal forces on the axis X of the platform;
   - FY: Horizontal forces on the axis Y of the platform;
   - FZ: Vertical forces on the axis Z of the platform;
   - PX: Position of the centre of pressure (CoP) on the axis X of the platform;
   - PY: Position of the centre of pressure (CoP) on the axis Y of the platform;
   - MZ: Vertical moment on the axis Z of the platform.
def btk.btkForcePlatformType2 ( )
  btkForcePlatformType2() -> btkForcePlatform

  Force platform composed of 6 channels:
   - FX: Horizontal forces on the axis X of the platform;
   - FY: Horizontal forces on the axis Y of the platform;
   - FZ: Vertical forces on the axis Z of the platform;
   - MX: Horizontal moment on the axis X of the platform;
   - MY: Horizontal moment on the axis Y of the platform;
   - MZ: Vertical moment on the axis Z of the platform.
def btk.btkForcePlatformType3 ( )
  btkForcePlatformType3() -> btkForcePlatform

  Force platform composed of 8 channels:
   - FZ1: Vertical forces measured by the sensor on the corner 1;
   - FZ2: Vertical forces measured by the sensor on the corner 2;
   - FZ3: Vertical forces measured by the sensor on the corner 3;
   - FZ4: Vertical forces measured by the sensor on the corner 4;
   - FX12: Horizontal forces measured by the sensors 1 & 2;
   - FX34: Horizontal forces measured by the sensors 3 & 4;
   - FY14: Horizontal forces measured by the sensors 1 & 4;
   - FY23: Horizontal forces measured by the sensors 2 & 3.
def btk.btkForcePlatformType4 ( )
  btkForcePlatformType4() -> btkForcePlatform

  Force platform composed of 6 channels and a 6 columns by 6 rows calibration matrix. 
  The definition of the channels are the same than the force platform Type 2.
def btk.btkForcePlatformType5 ( )
  btkForcePlatformType5() -> btkForcePlatform

  Force platform composed of 8 channels and a 8 columns by 6 rows calibration matrix. 
  The definition of the channels are the same than the force platform Type 3.
def btk.btkForcePlatformType6 ( )
  btkForcePlatformType6() -> btkForcePlatform

  Force platform composed of 12 channels and a 12 columns by 12 rows calibration matrix:
   - FX1: Horizontal forces measured by the sensor on the corner 1;
   - FX2: Horizontal forces measured by the sensor on the corner 2;
   - FX3: Horizontal forces measured by the sensor on the corner 3;
   - FX4: Horizontal forces measured by the sensor on the corner 4;
   - FY1: Horizontal forces measured by the sensor on the corner 1;
   - FY2: Horizontal forces measured by the sensor on the corner 2;
   - FY3: Horizontal forces measured by the sensor on the corner 3;
   - FY4: Horizontal forces measured by the sensor on the corner 4;
   - FZ1: Vertical forces measured by the sensor on the corner 1;
   - FZ2: Vertical forces measured by the sensor on the corner 2;
   - FZ3: Vertical forces measured by the sensor on the corner 3;
   - FZ4: Vertical forces measured by the sensor on the corner 4.
def btk.btkIMUType1 (   label = "IMU",
  desc = "",
  init = True 
  btkIMUType1(label="IMU", desc="", init=True) -> btkIMU
  btkIMUType1(label="IMU", desc="") -> btkIMU
  btkIMUType1(label="IMU") -> btkIMU
  btkIMUType1() -> btkIMU

  IMU 6D (3 accelerometers and 3 gyroscopes).
def btk.btkIMUType2 (   label = "IMU",
  desc = "",
  init = True 
  btkIMUType2(label="IMU", desc="", init=True) -> btkIMU
  btkIMUType2(label="IMU", desc="") -> btkIMU
  btkIMUType2(label="IMU") -> btkIMU
  btkIMUType2() -> btkIMU

  IMU 6D (same as Type 1) with a calibration matrix used to align sensors (accelerometers and gyroscopes) on the same inertial reference frame.
def btk.btkMetaDataCollapseChildrenValuesDouble (   args)
  btkMetaDataCollapseChildrenValuesDouble(parent, baselabel, targetFinalSize=-1, blankReplacement=0.0) -> btkDoubleArray
  btkMetaDataCollapseChildrenValuesDouble(parent, baselabel, targetFinalSize=-1) -> btkDoubleArray
  btkMetaDataCollapseChildrenValuesDouble(parent, baselabel) -> btkDoubleArray

  Convenient method to extract the values of a metadata as an array of doubles.
  Collapse the parent children entries' values starting with the string 'baselabel' and incrementing (for example: LABELS, LABELS2, LABELS3).
def btk.btkMetaDataCollapseChildrenValuesInt (   args)
  btkMetaDataCollapseChildrenValuesInt(parent, baselabel, targetFinalSize=-1, blankReplacement=0) -> btkIntArray
  btkMetaDataCollapseChildrenValuesInt(parent, baselabel, targetFinalSize=-1) -> btkIntArray
  btkMetaDataCollapseChildrenValuesInt(parent, baselabel) -> btkIntArray

  Convenient method to extract the values of a metadata as an array of integers.
  Collapse the parent children entries' values starting with the string 'baselabel' and incrementing (for example: LABELS, LABELS2, LABELS3).
def btk.btkMetaDataCollapseChildrenValuesString (   args)
  btkMetaDataCollapseChildrenValuesString(parent, baselabel, targetFinalSize=-1, blankReplacement="") -> btkStringArray
  btkMetaDataCollapseChildrenValuesString(parent, baselabel, targetFinalSize=-1) -> btkStringArray
  btkMetaDataCollapseChildrenValuesString(parent, baselabel) -> btkStringArray

  Convenient method to extract the values of a metadata as an array of strings.
  Collapse the parent children entries' values starting with the string 'baselabel' and incrementing (for example: LABELS, LABELS2, LABELS3).
def btk.btkMetaDataCreateChild (   args)
  btkMetaDataCreateChild(parent, label) -> btkMetaData
  btkMetaDataCreateChild(parent , label , int )
  btkMetaDataCreateChild(parent , label , double )
  btkMetaDataCreateChild(parent , label , string )
  btkMetaDataCreateChild(parent , label , btkIntArray)
  btkMetaDataCreateChild(parent , label , btkDoubleArray)
  btkMetaDataCreateChild(parent , label , btkStringArray)
  btkMetaDataCreateChild(parent , label , btkIntArray , numCol)
  btkMetaDataCreateChild(parent , label , btkDoubleArray , numCol)
  btkMetaDataCreateChild(parent , label , btkStringArray , numCol)

  Function to create/set easily a metadata containing a 2D array as value, from a given label into a given parent.
def btk.Iterate (   c)
Python generator to iterate through a collection of BTK objects (Points, Analogs, Events and Metadata).

For example:
for i in btk.Iterate(acq.GetPoints()):
    print i.GetLabel()