BTK Python wrapper  0.3dev.0
Python bindings for the Biomechanical ToolKit library (BTK)
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
\NbtkHigh level classes and functions to open, edit and modify biomechanical acquisition
 oCbtkAcquisitionContains the data related to a biomechanical acquisition
 oCbtkAcquisitionFileIOInterface to read/write acquisition's files
 oCbtkAcquisitionFileReaderReader for files which contain acquisition data (C3D, TRC, ...)
 oCbtkAcquisitionFileWriterWriter for files which contain acquisition data (C3D, TRC, ...)
 oCbtkAcquisitionUnitConverterConvert the units of the given input for points and analog channels
 oCbtkAnalogAnalog channel data along the time
 oCbtkAnalogCollectionCollection of analog channels stored in a list
 oCbtkAnalogCollectionIteratorIterator to pass trough the collection of analog channels
 oCbtkAnalogDataClass storing the measures for one analog channel
 oCbtkAnalogOffsetRemoverRemove a possible analog offset to the selected analog channels
 oCbtkANBFileIOClass to read/write ANB files
 oCbtkANCFileIOClass to read/write ANC files
 oCbtkANGFileIOClass to read ANG files
 oCbtkC3DFileIOClass to read/write C3D files
 oCbtkCALForcePlateFileIOClass to read/write force plate CAL files
 oCbtkCLBFileIOClass to read CLB Contec Inc file
 oCbtkDelsysEMGFileIOClass to read Delsys EMG files
 oCbtkDoubleArrayArray of doubles stored in a btkMetaDataInfo object
 oCbtkEMFFileIOClass to read EMF files
 oCbtkEMxFileIOClass to read EMG files
 oCbtkEventLabel a specific time/frame during an acquisition
 oCbtkEventCollectionCollection of events stored in a list
 oCbtkEventCollectionIteratorIterator to pass trough the collection of events
 oCbtkForcePlatformBase class for all type of force platform
 oCbtkForcePlatformCollectionCollection of force platform stored in a list
 oCbtkForcePlatformCollectionIteratorIterator to pass trough the collection of force platform
 oCbtkForcePlatformsExtractorExtracts force platform data from a btk::Acquisition object
 oCbtkForcePlatformWrenchFilterCalcule the wrench of the center of the force platform data, expressed in the global frame (by default)
 oCbtkGroundReactionWrenchFilterTransform force platform data into ground reaction wrenches
 oCbtkGRxFileIOClass to read GR* files
 oCbtkIMUContainer of analog channels representing an inertial measurement unit (IMU)
 oCbtkIMUCollectionCollection of IMUs stored in a list
 oCbtkIMUCollectionIteratorIterator to pass trough the collection of IMUs
 oCbtkIMUsExtractorExtracts inertial measurement units (IMUs) from a btkAcquisition object
 oCbtkIntArrayArray of integers stored in a btkMetaDataInfo object
 oCbtkMDFFileIOClass to read MDF files (Codamotion)
 oCbtkMergeAcquisitionFilterMerges or concatenates two or more btk::Acquisition objects into a single new one
 oCbtkMetaDataStore data which cannot be embedded within timeseries (calibration matrix, subject informations, ...)
 oCbtkMetaDataInfoContainer class to store data of a btkMetaData object
 oCbtkMetaDataIteratorIterator to pass trough a level of metadata
 oCbtkMOMFileIOClass to read MOM files
 oCbtkPointCoordinates of a point in a 3D space along the time
 oCbtkPointCollectionCollection of points stored in a list
 oCbtkPointCollectionIteratorIterator to pass trough the collection of points
 oCbtkPointDataClass storing the measures for a point (3D values and residuals along the time)
 oCbtkPWRFileIOClass to read PWR files
 oCbtkRAxFileIOClass to read RAH, RAW files
 oCbtkRICFileIOClass to read RIC files
 oCbtkSeparateKnownVirtualMarkersFilterSeparate a collection of points in five categories to be able to distinguish real markers from the others
 oCbtkSpecializedPointsExtractorExtracts only the points corresponding to the given type (without cloning the extracted points)
 oCbtkStringArrayArray of strings stored in a btkMetaDataInfo object
 oCbtkStringAxesWorkaround to represent the C++ class btk::SeparateKnownVirtualMarkersFilter::StringAxes with SWIG
 oCbtkStringAxesListConvenient class to store a list of btkStringAxes object
 oCbtkStringListConvenient class to store a list of string
 oCbtkSubAcquisitionFilterExtract a subpart of the acquisition
 oCbtkTDFFileIOClass to read TDF files
 oCbtkTRBFileIOClass to read/write TRB files
 oCbtkTRCFileIOClass to read/write TRC files
 oCbtkVerticalGroundReactionForceGaitEventDetectorDetect heel strike and toe-off events during gait from vertical ground reaction wrench
 oCbtkWrenchRepresents a wrench as position, force and moment varying during the time
 oCbtkWrenchCollectionCollection of wrenches stored in a list
 oCbtkWrenchCollectionDownsampleFilterDownsample a collection of wrenches
 oCbtkWrenchCollectionIteratorIterator to pass trough the collection of wrenches
 oCbtkWrenchDirectionAngleFilterCalcule the direction angle of the force vector for each wrench
 oCbtkWrenchDownsampleFilterDownsample data stored in a wrench
 oCbtkXLSOrthoTrakFileIOClass to read XLS (Orthotrak) files
 \CbtkXMOVEFileIOClass to read XMOVE files (Codamotion)